Monday, 13 October 2014

Hydra Particle System update 13/10

Quick update on some of the things I missed in my last blog post!

Collision has now been implemented, you can choose between 3D and 2D collision modes for each emitter, select what the particles will collide with and the effect the collision will have on the particles. Video of 2D collision here.

[Emission Shape]
Shape emission has also been implemented, and we are currently in the process of adding and testing bezier curve emission. Users should be able to place and reposition points in the scene [or using the inspector] to create a shape of their choosing to emit from.  The curve can be a closed or open shape in the 3D space. Video here of bezier curve being used in the editor. We are also discussing the possibility of having particles emit/travel along the placed bezier curve.

[Texture Sheet Animation]
Particles can now be animated from a texture sheet, it gives the user the chance to be very precise when it comes to the look and development of specific particle effects, such as the smoke dispersion example above.

Though colours have been a part of the particle system for a while, the colour blending has now been completely rewritten. We previously had settings that were hardcoded such as colour-over-speed and colour-over-camera-proximity. Now you can control the order in which the colours are blended and layer them up. This also gives us the opportunity to add more modes at a later date. As you can see from the above screenshots [right] there is an expansive variety of colour blending options to choose from.

I have been testing the optimisation in our most recent version of Hydra Particles on my PC and can successfully have up to 2200 particles on the screen before the FPS begins to dip below 60. We have also had some testing done for us on Android platform with the following results:

Testing on a Samsung Galaxy S3 with APK v0.2.0

600 particles at 60FPS
900 particles at 60FPS
1200 particles at 35FPS
1500 particles at 25FPS
1800 particles at 20FPS
2100 particles at 15FPS

Between 600 and 1500 particles it runs pretty smooth, even when at 25FPS. Nevertheless for a mobile device 600 particles on screen are already a lot of particles, and at the current performance speed is truly top notch.

Surprisingly and contrary to what I was expecting, when activating the collider it doesn't slow down at all the performance. 

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Hydra Particle System Update 02/10

[.gif of flames test using Hydra Particle system]

It has been a few months since my last update on our particle system, but it has come so far since then!

We have set up some performance tests set up for the emitter for both Web and Android to allow for people to try it out for themselves.

Not only is it now crammed full of new features and had an interface upheaval, but it has been optimised considerably to run quicker on a number of different platforms. We have also decided to cut down the number of different renderers we were going to offer, since the benefits didn't quite out-way the draw backs. We are working solely using the Mesh Renderer now [baked] which combines all the particle into one single mesh.

[New interface]
Inspector has been tidied up considerably to make the Emitter easier to work with.

[Quaternion Rotation]
Per-particle rotational value, with the opportunity to lock the rotation and angular velocity to a specific axis. Works with curves/constant values

[Freeze position/rotation in an axis]
We have added the option to fix the positions and rotations to a specific axis which is excellent for working with 2D.

[A number of new forces]
A few additional forces have been added to give a wider range of ways to manipulate the particles.

Directional - Directional force simply adds a specified velocity to the particle velocity (useful for things like wind).
Gravity - A directional force that applies the gravitational force specified in the project physics settings.
Gravity Well - Attracts particles based on proximity to the gravity well.
Target Force – Similar to Gravity Well. Rotates the velocity towards or away from the force center - based on proximity.
Look at Force - Turns particles to face the force position when in proximity to it
Dampen Force – Lose or gain velocity over time.
Turbulence - Uses simplex noise to offset the particle velocity